Service to Our Community
Pecos, Texas

We at First Keystone have assembled a tight-knit TEAM committed to creating and maintaining a first-class experience for the occupants of the First Keystone Pecos Industrial Park. Our approach is characterized by hands-on operations as we aim to deliver a reliable, comfortable, and quality experience.
Bouncing Back from a Wash-Out
This principle of “hands-on” is exemplified by the aftermath of a severe rainstorm that occurred in the summer of 2021 that washed out several hundred feet of the side of our entrance roadway, Madrone Drive. Field members of our Team snapped to attention, alerted Senior Managers, and most importantly, rapidly mobilized equipment and operators to rectify the situation in less than 3 days!
This anecdote shows how we care about the appearance of our Park, as well. In that same year, due to all that rain, a bumper crop of dreaded tumbleweeds out west of Pecos grew and blew into our Park in late fall. Our response was to mobilize one of our trusted support organizations, Crude State Energy Services, LLC, to grind them up and remove the materials. It’s all part of providing a Class A industrial park setting.
This experience is made possible by our local TEAM Members. West of the Pecos Engineering (, led by Raul Rodriguez, P.E., is a locally-owned firm providing civil engineering, construction management, and quality control services for our construction projects. Crude State Energy Services, headed by David Dominguez and also Pecos-based, provides property management services throughout the Park. The result is a well-maintained system of roads, public water, electric service, and fiber-optic broadband access. TEAM coordination is paramount to achieve and maintain these standards. This effort is led by Widge Currier, our Director of Development & Operations.
What does the future hold for First Keystone? A core element of our Mission is to enhance the infrastructure of the Greater Pecos community ( Local and county governments are focused on upgrading important infrastructure including schools, hospitals, EMS, roads, water system, and wastewater treatment. We see our role as providing Class-A industrial buildings for sale or lease. Whenever we add another industrial building for lease, the infrastructure in Pecos is enhanced! The collective efforts from each organization are in pursuit of a common goal of endowing Pecos with a Class A array of infrastructure that’s suited to domicile world-class service companies and their workforces. We’re proud of our own contributions to this community’s advancement.
First Keystone’s plans for 2024 center on upgrading our own 3,500′ roadway system. Under consideration are paving and extensions. In addition, street lighting and security apparatus will be activated. All of these investments by First Keystone are aimed to provide a first-class experience for those organizations that are domiciled in our 75-acre park.
We invite inquiries and comments, so feel free to reach out to Widge Currier at And, you can follow us on our Facebook page to stay abreast of our ongoing advances every few weeks.